Tuesday, August 30, 2011

What Air Astrological Signs Like To Do

There are three air astrological signs.

Aquarius, Libra, and Gemini.

I will give a very no-nonsense description of what each sun sign in the element of air like to do.

1. Aquarius: They like to be sold to. They like keeping conversations very light and positive, but probably very detached. They like to go off on their own, and are very independent. They aren't into clingy people, so whenever they have to go, don't ask them where they are headed let them fly. They will love you for giving them their space. The best place to Take them is sky jumping. Take them to any place that is active and "individualistic" biking, hiking, or golfing would be great ideas because even though you are with them, those activities are indvidualistic by nature. Speaking of nature, they also love being around nature, trees, plants, parks, and being on top of mountains.

2. Libras: Love to connect with others. They like being with a group or partner. They like going to museums and fancy places and have great sense for the aesthetics in art and the way things look and feel. They love interior design. Take them to Ikea. They will love you. Take them out to a fancy restaurant and make them feel connected with you somehow. They do very well in teams. Take them out to play sports that are team related.

3. Geminis: Love reading books, culture, language, and fascinating intellectual conversation. Take them to the next book signing of their favorite author, or a book shop, or book lecture that they are interested in, they will love you. They also love music and know all types of music and have a great ear for music. Introduce them to a new artist that you like while driving the Gemini in your car on your way to the bookstore that has a starbucks and they will be impressed. They also like being around other artist because they speak the same language and feel more at ease with intellectual people that love to create works of art.

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